Monday , 31 March 2025

I Know What To Do. I Just Can't Figure Out How To Do It.

Sometimes change seems hard.

We know what to do, but we just cannot seem to get it done.

Have you ever had that experience?

Have you ever been perfectly clear about what you need to do to improve a part of your business or your life? It’s just three steps, or five, or seven, or nine, or in the worst case, just 12. But try as you may, you just cannot seem to do it.

Or, as soon as you start, you notice that new challenges seem to emerge from no where and to interfere with the desired changes. Or you notice that there seems to be more interruptions than ever. Something or many things distract you or convince you that the task you have set is now impossible.

It may be something that you see, or hear, say to yourself or feel that lets you know that what just moments before seemed like a perfect way to improve now seems lie climbing Mount Everest.

Usually, that means that some part of your brain feels that you’re making a mistake. Generally, as humans we prefer the status quo. Our brains feel that we are alive and out of danger so change seems dangerous by comparison.

In the face of this internal sabotage, how do we really bring about positive change?

That was a question one of my customers who bought Persuasion2Profit called to ask me about. And it was a great call. Whenever someone who buys one of my coaching programs or products calls with a problem, I feel great. Why? Here is an opportunity to help that person take improvement to the next level. And, it’s a chance to discover what people really need to make the product or coaching or the speech or training work even better than before.

So what do you do?

Learn to notice the little changes that make you anxious, mad, frustrated, or which otherwise interfere with your new goals. Since these usually sneak up and get you, learn to catch yourself earlier in the process. By that, I mean that once you’re too mad, too frustrated, or too worried, your ability to cope, to make changes and to be creative are diminished.

But if you start to notice the little change that stops you, before it can, and you break that pattern, breath, or make a funny noise, you have leverage on yourself. What might have stymied your progress, if caught early enough now seems like a mere amusement.

You can remind yourself of why you want the change and you can proceed to get it. One step at a time.

Make one successful little change. Make the slightest shift in the right direction before you try more. Once the brain sees that change can be good, rewarding, and fun, then change can accelerate. But you need to just change one little thing… successfully.

I’m changing my staff meeting from once a month to shorter meetings once a week. This will give higher levels of accountability. It provides more opportunity to share information, and more opportunities to train… that is, if it works. If I get one little thing to work better, then I can make more changes, more effectively, and more rapidly. But I need to get one to work first. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel, and how much more effective you already are. Now aren’t you?

Have a great day.

Dave Frees


Call for a chance to try the Persuasion2Profit Program for your business.

This program consists of six CDs, a workbook, and series of coaching calls can transform your persuasion and marketing skills. You also get a bonus personal coaching call with Dave Frees himself, and as an extra bonus you’ll also receive one of Dave’s books as well as a series of six hypnotic CDs to make you implement changes automatically and effortlessly.

Call 610-933-8069 and ask for Denise Fox or e-mail her at

Dave Frees will be appearing at Arizona State University on the topic of persuasion and will be co-teaching a program on neuroscience and mediation for attorneys in April. Dave has been invited to present and to attend an upcoming conference on technology and persuasion in Copenhagen Denmark in June

To book Dave Frees for your company, event, convention, or to attend one of his east coast or west coast business and performance executive mastermind sessions call 610-933-8069 or e-mail