Sunday , 23 February 2025

A "Must Know" Insider PR Secret

In hard economic times, many businesses, authors, and professionals turn to PR as an alternative to advertising or as a supplement to a reduced advertising campaign.  But smart business people make public relations and cultivating media contacts and exposure a regular part of any business marketing plan in good as well as bad times.

And, if you are trying to establish yourself as an authority, celebrity, or expert, then public relations has to be in the bag of tricks.

The key (among others) to getting successful and productive media attention is being professional and being in the right place at the right time.  So, many of us use a paid service to be alerted to media and reporter needs.  Through these services, (such as ProfNet) you get an email alert when an author, producer, or reporter is looking for information, interviews or sources related to topics that you have chosen in advance.  Great preparation and good timing of your contact well in advance of the deadline often lands you and interview, appearance or mention.

Well, I recently had the pleasure of flying with Pamela Brown, a new york based publicist with some great clients (including the roving Seinfeld Show) and some great ideas.  I’m a fan of giving people some of the best things that I know.  I want you to be successful and to think of me when you need more.

And Pamela is a smart cookie, thinks the same way and shared some great ideas. When I hire my next publicist, she’s my first call. But the best secret that she gave me?  I have to get her permission to share it – it’s that good.  More to follow.  And as soon as I hear from her I’m pushing the button to publish!

Dave Frees